Thursday, October 10, 2024

 Happy Thursday! I am beyond excited to see some 80-degree weather in the forecast for next Friday! This week has been relatively quiet project-wise. I've been researching the best protocols and gathering information on the best way to conduct my experiment. My sponges were delivered, and I will start working in the lab next week! I haven't been in a science lab since I was a junior in high school chemistry class, so I will be relying heavily on Josh to remind me of safety protocols and best practices. I have much learning ahead of me, and I can't wait to see how the project progresses. I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and gets some much-needed rest!

Monday, September 30, 2024


            The goal of this research is to determine bacterial levels and diversity in kitchen sponges as well as effective household disinfection methods. This research will begin with sterile sponges, first testing the new sponges for any existing bacterium. The sponges will then be used to wash dirty dishes, followed by testing each sponge for bacterial levels and diversity. Finally, the contaminated sponges will be disinfected through multiple methods, including microwave, dishwasher, and air drying. The significance of the research is to determine the most effective sanitation methods for kitchen sponges and the bacterial levels and diversity. Kitchen sponges are commonly used to clean dishes and with that comes the potential for cross-contamination from foods with bacteria, viruses, and molds. Illness from these pathogens contribute to hospitalizations and it is important to study the types of bacteria and the most effective method for elimination to prevent illness through cross-contamination.

            This research will be conducted by experimenting using dirty kitchen sponges. Each sponge will be tested using agar plates, one sample will be taken while the sponge is still damp, before disinfecting, then another after each disinfection method. The number of bacterial colonies will be observed after incubation.

            What are the bacterial levels and diversity of a dirty kitchen sponge and what is the most effective way to disinfect a kitchen sponge? It is believed that a dirty kitchen sponge contains a large and diverse number of bacteria and the most effective method for sanitizing the sponge is to use the microwave. It may be discovered that a combination of high heat and the time exposed to the heat will increase the effectiveness of the disinfection method. There is a possibility that none of the sanitation methods are effective in eliminating bacteria on a kitchen sponge.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

 Back to sponges it is! At least for now:) Still waiting on the internship opportunities, the posting closes on the 30th of this month, so I should hear something soon after. Josh ordered the sponges and informed me they were delivered, let the washing begin. I will be focusing on my research proposal this week and hope I can manage my other courses in the meantime. Senior year has proven to be the most challenging thus far. So many papers! Although it's more work than learning a new programming language, I find it far less frustrating - something about being taught how to write in English early in life I'm guessing:)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Wednesday! This week has been extremely busy, filled with tons of schoolwork! Although I have had more frustrating and challenging semesters (3 coding languages in one semester), this semester feels much more time consuming with all the readings, projects, research, and papers. I do feel like I am soaking it all in like a sponge, so that's reassuring! Speaking of sponges, I have pivoted to another project helping Josh with plant DNA extraction and studying the microbiome of the plant during droughts, including the root system, stems, and leaves of the plant. I am beyond excited for this research and am very curious about what we will find! Also, still waiting for the internship selection process - hoping for good news! Have an incredible week! 


Here's a link to an article from the DOE explaining plant microbiome.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 Hello again! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the TRAIN Scholarship program for another semester! I had a wonderful learning experience last spring, and am excited to see the new projects and findings this semester! I have applied for 2 different internships, one is with the US Air Force Cyber Command and the other is with the State of Arizona as a cyber security intern. Either opportunity would be an incredible experience for me and my journey into cyberspace! While I await a phone call or email from these internships regarding my acceptance or denial, I have chosen to begin a research project in the lab. I will be studying sponges - I may regret this decision by the end! I have so many things I want to know about them, like how many different types of bacteria live on your kitchen sponge, what the best sanitation method is, and bacteria differences based on washing human dishes or animal dishes. 

Kitchen sponges are hotspots for bacteria. Sanitizing methods like microwaving don't seem to work (

Thursday, May 2, 2024

What a wonderful afternoon listening to and watching the presentations from the Train Scholars! Everyone did an amazing job and what interesting and relevant topics of study! I learned so much from this afternoon's session and can't wait to have the opportunity to continue next fall semester! The energy in the Webex made me feel very comfortable, although I was totally nervous to present - leading to a very chaotic presentation on my end - sorry! Thank you for your engagement in my presentation and follow-up questions and suggestions for furthering my research next semester. I hope you all finish this semester strong and get some much-needed rest and relaxation this summer. I will be grinding away at 2 more courses to stay on track for graduation in May of 2025. 

Here is one last photo of Dante with my brother.... to give you a feel for his size. My brother is close to 6 feet tall and Dante towers over him when he stretches all the way out!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

 Hello again! We are down to the wire with the timing to finish the semester strong! Dante has not been as vocal lately, so it has been a challenge to capture new vocalizations for the testing of the teachable machine. I'm hoping with the little cool-down we are supposed to have this weekend I can have the doors open and hopefully get more sounds for the research project. I guess the good part is he must be feeling more settled in our new home, like my daughter and myself :) I feel like I need more hours in the day to complete all my responsibilities sometimes! I hope you all find the time and space to study and focus in these last few weeks! Take care!

Here's a pic of Dante waiting for me to finish schoolwork..... I think we feel about the same!  lol

 Happy Thursday! I am beyond excited to see some 80-degree weather in the forecast for next Friday! This week has been relatively quiet proj...