The goal of this research is to determine a teachable machine’s ability to differentiate the vocalizations of Canis lupus familiari. The research will begin with inputting audio files of Canis lupus familiari vocalizing during different events and varying environments. If the machine can determine the reasons for the unique vocalizations, it should be able to output the reasons for the various sounds, enabling humans to understand their canine companion more effectively. The significance of the research is for humans to better understand why Canis lupus familiari makes unique vocalizations, resulting in improved communication between humans and Canis lupus familiari and ultimately better care for the animal. This technology could be used not only for a pet owner's communication with their animal but also for scenarios in which the owner of the animal is away and a pet sitter is unsure of the reason behind the vocalization. With the increased spotlight on the value of service animals, a scenario where this technology could be useful is with people with social communication disorder (SCD), bridging the gap between human and animal, and ensuring the animal is cared for appropriately and the human knows when the service animal is alerting for medical reasons.

               The research will be conducted by observing and recording Canis lupus familiari vocalizing in various environments, triggered by a range of events. Each audio file will be notated with the date and location of the event as well as the reason for the vocalization. The audio files will then be stored, organized, labeled, converted, and uploaded into a teachable machine for analysis, testing, and training.

 Variable Table






Sound emitted from Canis lupus familiari



Inside or outside

Triggering Event


Reason for vocalization

Background noise inside


Same House

Background noise outside


Same yard

                             Is it possible for a teachable machine to interpret the reason Canis lupus familiari is vocalizing based on a variety of audio files? It is believed that a teachable machine will be able to determine and output the reason for Canis lupus familiari vocalization and provide a percentage indicating the confidence level of the model with its prediction. It may be discovered during the research, that the teachable machine can recognize additional variations in vocalizations for the same events and environments. There is a chance the teachable machine cannot differentiate the sounds depending on the environment or the event.


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