When it rains - it pours!

That's my theme for this week. However, we must remember that new life develops from these waters - both literally and figuratively. Dante was able to explore the snails in the yard after the rains, and he was quite intrigued. On a more serious note, someone very near to me is experiencing a severe mental health episode and I share this to bring awareness to the topic. This has been a 20+ year struggle and it comes with its ups and downs. As difficult as it is for loved ones to watch a family member go through a scary time, I can't imagine what it is like for the person suffering. Yesterday was nearly tragic for this individual when they crashed on the highway, driving approximately 70 mph, and ran into the back of a semi-truck that was stopped. Fortunately, minus a few bruises and scrapes on the driver, no one was injured. They looked away for a moment to use Apple Car Play to make a call, and that's all the time it took. Hug those close to you and reach out to those you haven't spoken to who once held a dear place in your lives. Life is short and precious, and no one knows when our time will come to an end or what others are dealing with. Take care of yourselves and remember to reach out for help - more people care than you think and there are resources available if you or someone you know needs help.


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